I wasn't sure if you'd be here.
I'm here. Where else would I be?
- What's this?
- I'm going to New York.
- What?
- There's somebody I got to see.
- What are you talking about?
- Options, remember? Just in case.
You're out of options!
This means staying here or going back.
These are your options.
- Sarah.
- No, listen.
Listen to me carefully.
I flew back here for one reason...
...and that was to give you a chance
to talk me out of taking this job.
I can't do that until I do this.
I won't be here when you get back.
I swear to God, I won't.
This is it, David.
I know.
There are times in Jife when you have
to make extremeJy difficuJt choices.
And there are times when it seems Jike
you don't have a choice at aJJ.
Like those rare moments...
...when your onJy option practicaJJy
shows up in your maiJbox.
- David!
- Tyler.
I'm psyched you're here.
- You look great.
- It really means a lot to me.
- So what the hell are you doing here?
- I know it's sudden.
I just wanted to see you.
Things are gonna start getting crazy
for you and Julie.
And I wanted to see you. Both of you.
I talked to Sarah, you know.
She said that you guys met up
when she was in town.
No. I talked to her about three hours ago.
She called,
while you were in the air, from LA.
- She's freaking out.
- Everything's fine.
I know what you're going through.
It's a scary leap.
The trick is you have to let go
of your fears...