There are times in Jife when you have
to make extremeJy difficuJt choices.
And there are times when it seems Jike
you don't have a choice at aJJ.
Like those rare moments...
...when your onJy option practicaJJy
shows up in your maiJbox.
- David!
- Tyler.
I'm psyched you're here.
- You look great.
- It really means a lot to me.
- So what the hell are you doing here?
- I know it's sudden.
I just wanted to see you.
Things are gonna start getting crazy
for you and Julie.
And I wanted to see you. Both of you.
I talked to Sarah, you know.
She said that you guys met up
when she was in town.
No. I talked to her about three hours ago.
She called,
while you were in the air, from LA.
- She's freaking out.
- Everything's fine.
I know what you're going through.
It's a scary leap.
The trick is you have to let go
of your fears...
...and just kind of go for it.
Believe me, the worst thing you can do
is lose the right girl...
...because of a fear of commitment.
The worst thing you can do
is marry the wrong girl...
...because of a fear of Ioneliness.
I can't wait for you to meet her.
I've told her all about you.
You have?
Yeah. I told her about all you guys.
I had to warn her.
Even my name?
You didn't mention my name.
No, of course not your name.
We refer to you all by your general nature,
like the Indians.
Mike is "Fucks Whatever Moves."
"Dances Around Major Life Decisions."
What'd she say,
when you mentioned my name?
- What is wrong with you?
- I'm sorry.
What would she possibly say about...
Oh, there she is.