They're paper.
- The Ieaves too?
- No.
Anyone here?
Can we come in?
What do you think?
It's beautifuI.
- Know where we can find the priest?
- I'm the priest.
Nothing ever happens here.
BIessing the departed...
..afternoon rosary. Confessing
an oId dearwho rareIy sins.
So I repair the church.
HeIp yourseIves.
TeII me, are you beIievers?
We're baptised.
Like most peopIe.
Why do you want to marry in church?
FrankIy, it's for our famiIies,
so we thought we'd make the ceremony
..a bit speciaI.
- I came here as a chiId.
I'd Iike to heIp. EspeciaIIy as
I've never done awedding here.
Have you done the preparation?
- Meaning?
- The wedding preparation.
Not with the Iife we Iead.
- Have you been together Iong?
- AImost ayear.
How do you see marriage?
- It's not easy to sum up.
- Two peopIe in Iove...