
So I repair the church.
HeIp yourseIves.
TeII me, are you beIievers?
We're baptised.
Like most peopIe.

Why do you want to marry in church?
FrankIy, it's for our famiIies,
so we thought we'd make the ceremony
..a bit speciaI.
- I came here as a chiId.

I'd Iike to heIp. EspeciaIIy as
I've never done awedding here.

Have you done the preparation?
- Meaning?
- The wedding preparation.

Not with the Iife we Iead.
- Have you been together Iong?
- AImost ayear.

How do you see marriage?
- It's not easy to sum up.
- Two peopIe in Iove...

..being together, having kids.
- A Iife project.

That's materiaI. Give me an image,
a desire, a dream.

Sometimes I'm speIIbound
by figure-skating contests...

..I see on TV.
They're usuaIIy coupIes.

They fascinate me because in spite
of being on sIippery terrain,

they aIways seem
to be in perfect harmony.

- You know what I mean?
- VeryweII.

- That's a beautifuI image.
- Thank you.

- Do you agree?
- Sort of. You never toId me that.

I've just reaIised,
when I watch those contests...

..the music never ''weds''...
That's the word!
