OId Tommaso did it!
- Which one?
- The one in white.
- Who is she?
- Stefania, the make-up girI.
I don't Iike them much.
- Have you screwed her?
- Of course not!
- What did you do...
- Give me a break!
I've never seen you Iike this.
You're being secretive.
You've faIIen in Iove.
Hi! How are you?
Yes, I'm just a IittIe tired.
What time wiII you be back?
I'm free tonight.
No, I haven't seen it.
I'd Iike to.
I'II caII you Iater then. Bye.
- That was her.
- You sweetheart!
I sort out husband and kid to come
out with you and you dump me?
- Let's go out without men!
- It's awhiIe since I had...
- I want aII the gory detaiIs.
- His name's Tommaso.
- He's in Iove.
- He toId you that?
- No way. Anyhow she's very pretty.
- And bIind?
Everyone wanted to know
aII the detaiIs.
As though we were
Tom Cruise and NicoIe Kidman.
But we hadn't even kissed.
But they aII wanted
to know ifwe'd...