No, I haven't seen it.
I'd Iike to.
I'II caII you Iater then. Bye.
- That was her.
- You sweetheart!
I sort out husband and kid to come
out with you and you dump me?
- Let's go out without men!
- It's awhiIe since I had...
- I want aII the gory detaiIs.
- His name's Tommaso.
- He's in Iove.
- He toId you that?
- No way. Anyhow she's very pretty.
- And bIind?
Everyone wanted to know
aII the detaiIs.
As though we were
Tom Cruise and NicoIe Kidman.
But we hadn't even kissed.
But they aII wanted
to know ifwe'd...
Know what I mean?
Such interest is nice.
It's good to feeI approved of.
You think: if they aII say the same,
it must be true.
Maybe they see things I can't.
PersonaIIy their opinions bIocked me
a IittIe. I aIone had doubts.
But not about her. I was scared
it wouId end as aIways.
You wake up one morning and reaIise
you're no Ionger in Iove.
No, not me. I feIt reIaxed about it.
I had no worries because we taIked.