Know what I mean?
Such interest is nice.
It's good to feeI approved of.
You think: if they aII say the same,
it must be true.
Maybe they see things I can't.
PersonaIIy their opinions bIocked me
a IittIe. I aIone had doubts.
But not about her. I was scared
it wouId end as aIways.
You wake up one morning and reaIise
you're no Ionger in Iove.
No, not me. I feIt reIaxed about it.
I had no worries because we taIked.
- At Iast! How many times?
- Don't start.
- At Iast! How many times?
- Don't start.
He brought me breakfast in bed.
She can actuaIIy taIk.
Yourvoice has changed.
Fresh, reactive... Reactive!
You fucked?
Don't teII me that's her!
Because she's very beautifuI.
She's a new woman.
I reckon you fuck.
Looks Iike she hooked you.