- At Iast! How many times?
- Don't start.
- At Iast! How many times?
- Don't start.
He brought me breakfast in bed.
She can actuaIIy taIk.
Yourvoice has changed.
Fresh, reactive... Reactive!
You fucked?
Don't teII me that's her!
Because she's very beautifuI.
She's a new woman.
I reckon you fuck.
Looks Iike she hooked you.
He's better than the Iast.
- Than Giorgio?
- They Iook aIike.
He's a bit of a deviI.
Watch out.
- Why?
- Know who he's with?
- He's with someone?
- Fucking her.
- Who?
- The Campari ad girI.
- How do you know?
- Rumours going around.
Theyweren't doing it
to be mean. No.
It's just that one rumour Ieads
to another and things degenerate.
I wanted to ask you something.
I tried not to, but I have to.
Are you reaIIy screwing
the Campari girI?