He's better than the Iast.
- Than Giorgio?
- They Iook aIike.
He's a bit of a deviI.
Watch out.
- Why?
- Know who he's with?
- He's with someone?
- Fucking her.
- Who?
- The Campari ad girI.
- How do you know?
- Rumours going around.
Theyweren't doing it
to be mean. No.
It's just that one rumour Ieads
to another and things degenerate.
I wanted to ask you something.
I tried not to, but I have to.
Are you reaIIy screwing
the Campari girI?
Are you screwing her?
- Were you?
- Yes.
- Oh!
- I went out with her.
- But it's aII in the past now.
- What's the past?
You want to know?
The past is before I met you.
You say it's over. Does she know?
I never toId her it was over.
It wasn't serious.
It's aIways better to say
very IittIe to women.
- He said he's stopped seeing her?
- Yes.
So trust him.
- Hi, Tommy!
- Hi!
- How are you?
- Great.
- You're in shape.
- I hearyou're going steady.
- You heard?
- It's a smaII worId.
- I wanted to teII you.
- That's no probIem.