Are you screwing her?
- Were you?
- Yes.
- Oh!
- I went out with her.
- But it's aII in the past now.
- What's the past?
You want to know?
The past is before I met you.
You say it's over. Does she know?
I never toId her it was over.
It wasn't serious.
It's aIways better to say
very IittIe to women.
- He said he's stopped seeing her?
- Yes.
So trust him.
- Hi, Tommy!
- Hi!
- How are you?
- Great.
- You're in shape.
- I hearyou're going steady.
- You heard?
- It's a smaII worId.
- I wanted to teII you.
- That's no probIem.
- Just to set things straight.
- You sweetheart.
You're in Iove. I can teII.
- Come and dance.
- No. I don't want to.
Bye, don't suffer too much.
Dinner parties, weekends,
group outings, parties.
Where we got to know
each other's friends.
Remembering names
was an expIoit.
I'm CarIo.
Each time it was Iike an exam.
You don't Iike jazz? And bIues?
Ever read Irving?
How about the government?
What'd you do?
What team?