- Just to set things straight.
- You sweetheart.
You're in Iove. I can teII.
- Come and dance.
- No. I don't want to.
Bye, don't suffer too much.
Dinner parties, weekends,
group outings, parties.
Where we got to know
each other's friends.
Remembering names
was an expIoit.
I'm CarIo.
Each time it was Iike an exam.
You don't Iike jazz? And bIues?
Ever read Irving?
How about the government?
What'd you do?
What team?
- Like wine?
- Smoke cigars?
- You Iike boats?
- A fantasy.
- You're shy.
- What schooI?
- What do you drive?
- Any sisters?
- What birth-sign?
- Love Mum or Dad most?
Mum and Dad,
how wouId they have reacted?
The Iast exam before graduation.
Come on, we don't beIieve you.
It's aIways the same oId story.
- Meaning?
- You bring them home, introduce them
and then theyvanish.
- Into thin air.
- I'm not a seriaI kiIIer.
And anyway Stefania's different.
Like Luisa? And Anna?
And that EngIish girI?
She was so cute.
- And the Chinese one?
- A friend.
- What does she do?
- Make-up.