- Like wine?
- Smoke cigars?
- You Iike boats?
- A fantasy.
- You're shy.
- What schooI?
- What do you drive?
- Any sisters?
- What birth-sign?
- Love Mum or Dad most?
Mum and Dad,
how wouId they have reacted?
The Iast exam before graduation.
Come on, we don't beIieve you.
It's aIways the same oId story.
- Meaning?
- You bring them home, introduce them
and then theyvanish.
- Into thin air.
- I'm not a seriaI kiIIer.
And anyway Stefania's different.
Like Luisa? And Anna?
And that EngIish girI?
She was so cute.
- And the Chinese one?
- A friend.
- What does she do?
- Make-up.
I don't understand!
Why bother to Iive together.
Love is one thing,
sIeeping is another.
- You're jeaIous of the sIeeping bit.
- JeaIous, me?
Just when you get a new fIat.
WiII you change everyyear?
- You can taIk!
- I know exactIy how it wiII end.
What comes next? A chiId?
You'd quit yourjob. Not a bad idea.
Not again!
With the taIent and opportunities
you had... I don't know.
- What does Saverio do?
- Tommaso. He's an art director.
- He's in advertising.
- What does your mother say?
Your father's a moron.
Don't Iisten to him.
You're drinking a Iot!
I'm happy. I want to ceIebrate.