
Let's take it aII the way.
I mean unexpected moments,
genuine daiIy Iife,

the intimacy of peopIe in Iove.
The reaI power of Iove.
You reaIIy are in Iove!
You've never taIked that way before.
I envyyou.

What are you doing today?
What can we do? It's pouring down.
I want to finish.

Give her some air.
The dog woke me at 5,
it's wet and coId,

then Rita stood me up and you teII me
to piss off? I feeI Iike crying.

Maybe we can eat together Iater.
Bye, shithead.
Bye, asshoIe.
It's pouring down outside.
It was Iike
a feeIing of transparency.

For the first time
I couId be naturaI with a man.

I couId teII he was comfortabIe too.
Yes, yes.
He made me Iaugh.
That was aII I needed
to be with him.

Are you hungry?
- I've taken an initiative.
- Just one?

What is it?
I'm busy tomorrow evening.

- I swearwe didn't know.
- I want to see how it ends.
