It's pouring down outside.
It was Iike
a feeIing of transparency.
For the first time
I couId be naturaI with a man.
I couId teII he was comfortabIe too.
Yes, yes.
He made me Iaugh.
That was aII I needed
to be with him.
Are you hungry?
- I've taken an initiative.
- Just one?
What is it?
I'm busy tomorrow evening.
- I swearwe didn't know.
- I want to see how it ends.
- First the bride and groom.
- Thanks.
- Father, you're a madman or a saint.
- The former.
Eat up, it's aII good stuff.
- What about the tagIiateIIe?
- Wait a bit Ionger.
The Iiving room with the chimney,
it wiII need cIeaning.
Yes? I'II caII you Iater.
I don't care for it but your mother
wanted you to have it.
- You can remove it.
- I Iike it.
There's a safe too but
I don't know where the keys are.
- What do we put in it?
- Whateveryou Iike.
This was your mother's
office, remember?
Her desk was right here.