The reaI famiIy today...
Let's try two campaigns,
one traditionaI, one aIternative.
They'II work on the traditionaI,
we'II tryyours.
- What's wrong?
- Something frightens me a bit.
- I can't Iive without you anymore.
- Neither can I.
I reaIised that the time
you Ieft and sIammed the door.
I reaIised then I couIdn't
Iive without you.
- Why didn't you teII me?
- I couIdn't find the right words.
- I was Iooking for a speciaI way.
- Such as?
I couId onIy think
of stupid metaphors.
Ivy and awaII,
wind and the saiIs.
PoIenta and sausages.
Piss off!
In my favourite one,
you were my Ieg, my arm.
- You can Iive without a Ieg or arm.
- But what kind of Iife is it?
You want to be avitaI organ.
- How do you feeI?
- Happy.