I couId onIy think
of stupid metaphors.
Ivy and awaII,
wind and the saiIs.
PoIenta and sausages.
Piss off!
In my favourite one,
you were my Ieg, my arm.
- You can Iive without a Ieg or arm.
- But what kind of Iife is it?
You want to be avitaI organ.
- How do you feeI?
- Happy.
Is this AIberto?
No, that's Giorgio.
- You aIways pick the same type?
- Stop it!
- Why not pick me different?
- How couId I if...
What are you making me say?
You're not that aIike.
He's my spitting image!
- But I Iove you.
- We have to see about that.
Stop acting the fooI!
You're aIike in that.
That too?
No, no tickIing!
No tickIing!