It's Iike a Ioan.
What do you do? Stop paying?
- So you can't make a mistake then?
- Of course you can.
You just don't make a habit of it.
No one forces you into
such an important decision.
- Since when have you thought that?
- Since I met her.
You're soaked! Offyou go!
Leave us aIone.
Oh, God!
You couId have spared me
this triaI of Iove.
Lift your right foot
up to your knee.
- Which side's the right?
- By the knee.
Good. Now your Ieft foot
and right hand.
- Don't Iook down.
- I can't do it.
Look at me.
CouIdn't we go shopping
Iike everyone eIse on Saturdays?
Don't Iet go of me.
- What?
- Don't Iet go of me.
Your Iife is in my hands.
Then marry me.
- Are you that scared?
- I meant it. WiII you marry me?
Answer me before I faII off.