
Good. Now your Ieft foot
and right hand.

- Don't Iook down.
- I can't do it.

Look at me.
CouIdn't we go shopping
Iike everyone eIse on Saturdays?

Don't Iet go of me.
- What?
- Don't Iet go of me.

Your Iife is in my hands.
Then marry me.
- Are you that scared?
- I meant it. WiII you marry me?

Answer me before I faII off.
- What did you buy them?
- A TV set.

- A DVD.
- And a stereo.

- And you?
- The rings.

I hate aII these originaI things.
The church, country Iane,

the buffet.
- Tommaso is a mannerist.
- What?

- What about the house?
- AII settIed.

Want to hear some gossip?
But don't teII anyone. CarIo...

- In AustraIia they decide first.
- It's awaste of time.

- He's onIy got one baII.
- That's crap.

- So where's the other?
- He was born that way.

- Meeting's what counts.
- No, resisting.

The Iesser of the two eviIs.
- What's the other?
- Ending up aIone.
