
- What did you buy them?
- A TV set.

- A DVD.
- And a stereo.

- And you?
- The rings.

I hate aII these originaI things.
The church, country Iane,

the buffet.
- Tommaso is a mannerist.
- What?

- What about the house?
- AII settIed.

Want to hear some gossip?
But don't teII anyone. CarIo...

- In AustraIia they decide first.
- It's awaste of time.

- He's onIy got one baII.
- That's crap.

- So where's the other?
- He was born that way.

- Meeting's what counts.
- No, resisting.

The Iesser of the two eviIs.
- What's the other?
- Ending up aIone.

- FIat tyre?
- Yes.

- Need a hand?
- Piss off!

- No one eIse has a fIat tyre?
- You're jinxed.

- And the division of property?
- After the ceremony.

- Let them get married first.
- That's right.

Anything eIse to add?
Let's start then.
Tommaso and Stefania, pIease stand.
Those who God hath joined together,
Iet no man put asunder.

In the name of the Father,
the Son and HoIy Spirit.

This is the heart.
Can you hear it beating?
