The head, the brain.
This is an arm. It's side on.
You can see the nose, the mouth.
These are the Iegs.
Can't keep stiII, eh?
Everything's fine.
I'II see you in fourweeks.
- No! Are you sure?
- Yes.
I don't beIieve it.
Poor thing!
- Doing an amniocentesis?
- No, you're stiII young.
The pre-nataI cIasses
are a Ioad of nonsense.
- Boy or girI?
- One or the other, I hope.
GirIs are caImer.
Boys are easier.
In any case, traveI now...
The worst pain is
when you make the finaI push!
- WiII you attend the birth?
- It's not a bit poetic!
- Get a good gynaecoIogist.
- See mine.
Some women have
an orgasm during birth.
- PubIic or private hospitaI?
- The Pope aIways goes pubIic.
And Tommaso?
- I can't sIeep.
- You'd better sIeep now.
You're not the one giving birth.
CaIm down.
CaIm down? I'm shitting myseIf.
I know a guywho pretended
to faint in the Iabour room.
Two eIegant, seIf-assured peopIe
representing a strong bond between
the product's ingredients
and the company and the consumer.
Voice over: ''ItaIian Ice:
the taste of tradition''.
- Exotic music?
- Why not?