- WiII you attend the birth?
- It's not a bit poetic!
- Get a good gynaecoIogist.
- See mine.
Some women have
an orgasm during birth.
- PubIic or private hospitaI?
- The Pope aIways goes pubIic.
And Tommaso?
- I can't sIeep.
- You'd better sIeep now.
You're not the one giving birth.
CaIm down.
CaIm down? I'm shitting myseIf.
I know a guywho pretended
to faint in the Iabour room.
Two eIegant, seIf-assured peopIe
representing a strong bond between
the product's ingredients
and the company and the consumer.
Voice over: ''ItaIian Ice:
the taste of tradition''.
- Exotic music?
- Why not?
- I think...
- We need more.
- Have you found the skaters?
- WorId Champions.
ItaIian Ice skaters.
Take two.
I'm your daddy.
- What's he doing?
- SIeeping.
Has he woken up?
You're aIways asIeep.
He's Iike you, sIeeps non-stop.
Do you reaIIywant this baby?