
Hey, why is the hurry?
Amos ain't be home until midnight.

Hey, you know, l don't want you
to feel like l'm nagging or anything.

But don't you think it's about time
for me to meet your friend down at the Onyx?

lt's been a month
since you told him about me.

l know.
Cause that was the night they met Kelly,
plus her husband and her sister.

You know, they said you
found them in a kit together.

Guess from where it from.
Amos opened it to somebody else.
l throw him a party.

-You're not going away, right?
-lt's getting late.

l've been thinking a lot about my anthem.
Whenever l get a good idea, l write it down
at my diary before it puts off in my head.

And you know what've come to me?
The other day,
that all the really knock-out acts.

Have something more different
going on, you know?

Like, a signature bed.
And l thought my thing could be a loaf.

Give them just enough to feel hungry
but always leave them one more.

Once l get a name for myself.
Maybe we can open up a club in Varum, you know?

You could run it,
and l could be the headliner.

-Get off.
-What's the idea?

Wake up, kiddo, you aren't
never gonna have an act.

Who says so?
Face it, Roxie.
You're two big towers with skinny legs.

And l'm just a furniture salesman.
But you got connections.
You know, that guy down the club...

There's no guy.
Yeah, that night...
lt's the first time l set foot in that joint.
l get clicked from the trombone player.

So you never told anyone about me?
Sugar, you're hot stuff.
l would say anything to get a piece of that.
