
And you know what've come to me?
The other day,
that all the really knock-out acts.

Have something more different
going on, you know?

Like, a signature bed.
And l thought my thing could be a loaf.

Give them just enough to feel hungry
but always leave them one more.

Once l get a name for myself.
Maybe we can open up a club in Varum, you know?

You could run it,
and l could be the headliner.

-Get off.
-What's the idea?

Wake up, kiddo, you aren't
never gonna have an act.

Who says so?
Face it, Roxie.
You're two big towers with skinny legs.

And l'm just a furniture salesman.
But you got connections.
You know, that guy down the club...

There's no guy.
Yeah, that night...
lt's the first time l set foot in that joint.
l get clicked from the trombone player.

So you never told anyone about me?
Sugar, you're hot stuff.
l would say anything to get a piece of that.

Stay then. Now?
lt has some laughs.
Let's just leave it like that.

You can't do this to me.
You get off!
You touch me again,
l'll put your lights out.

-Your husband will be home soon,

why don't you watch yourself.
Don't head into shit again.

-You're a liar, Fred.
-Oh, yeah, so what?

You lied to me...
That's right, sweetheart.
That's right.

You son of a bitch...
Son of a bitch!

You son of a bitch!
