Krem karamele, èak iz San Francisca.
O, pazim na liniju.
Zna, zbog suðenja.
Danas su spomenuli da ide na put.
Toliko mi se toga dogaða,
da ne mogu voditi raèuna.
Jesam li ti rekla da si upravo
iste velièine kao moja sestra?
Mislim, savreno bi ti pristajali
njeni kostimi. Stvarno?
Da, mislila sam, pored sveg
publiciteta koji doivljavamo,
zar ne bi bilo prirodno
da postavimo zajednièku toèku?
Misli, ha?
Dame i gospodo, gospoðica Velma
Kelly i toèka "Oèaj".
My sister and I had an act that couldn't flop
My sister and I were headed straight for the top
My sister and I earned a thousand a week at least
Oh, yeah!
But my sister is now, unfortunately, deceased
Oh, I know it's sad, of course
But a fact
is still a fact
And now all that remains
Is the remains
Of a perfect
Watch this.
Dvoje ljudi se moraju slagati.
Tih dvoje ljudi.
First I'd...
Then she'd...
Then we'd...
But I can't do it alone!
Then she'd...
Then I'd...
Then we'd...
But I can't do it alone!