Instead if going home
I went to the newspaper's offices .
SOmeone from the City Of God
worked at the laboratory.
He helped me to fulfil
the dream of my life .
the Rocket.Photographer.
-He is an admirer of yours .
-You have a good taste,Rocket.
I am leaving.
Nice guy!
A personal revenge
leaded to war.
The City of God has been devided.
You couldn't
cross it.
Nor to go to a relative.
Those who lived to the ghetto
were considered as gangsters.
We were living ou own Vietnam .
were giving their lives.
The Kids.
Somebody hit me.
The war
was forgiving everything.
One of Ze's guys kicked me.
Take this.
He raped my sister . . .
-Ze took our home.
-Kill for your pride.
I am Siago,
Benny's friend .
You know how to read?
-I am good.
-You are hired.
To revenge my father's
-What's your name?
-My name is Oto.