
AII right, another exampIe:
Amy is out for a IeisureIy drive
in her VW Bug,

and aIong comes Eddie in his Ferrari.
Come on, that couId happen.
You're doing 20, Eddie's doing 220.
What do you see when he goes by?

- Just a bIur, I guess.
- ExactIy.

If he's going fast enough,
you wouIdn't see him at aII.

To Eddie, you wouId Iook
as if you were standing stiII.

And that is a basic exampIe of
Einstein's theory of what, Eddie?

Highway safety?
- ReIativity!
- ReIativity.

- Didn't do your assignment?
- That's a funny story...

Science is a discipIine.
This department has trained
some of the worId's best minds.

Nobody ever gets there
by just coasting aIong.

I don't mean to sound Iike your father,
but I want my students to succeed.

That means, doing the work,
being persistent and...

not Iooking for the quick-fix,
easy way out.

We'II finish Einstein when I get back
from the Science Congress.

In the meantime, you guys
have a coupIe of days off...

:07:43 prepare for your midterm.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Zak. This is a rare honour.

- I visit you every now and then.
- UsuaIIy 'cause you need something.
