Highway safety?
- ReIativity!
- ReIativity.
- Didn't do your assignment?
- That's a funny story...
Science is a discipIine.
This department has trained
some of the worId's best minds.
Nobody ever gets there
by just coasting aIong.
I don't mean to sound Iike your father,
but I want my students to succeed.
That means, doing the work,
being persistent and...
not Iooking for the quick-fix,
easy way out.
We'II finish Einstein when I get back
from the Science Congress.
In the meantime, you guys
have a coupIe of days off...
...to prepare for your midterm.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey, Zak. This is a rare honour.
- I visit you every now and then.
- UsuaIIy 'cause you need something.
That's crazy. Can you co-sign for
my car? I've got the down payment.
There's a coupIe of things I Iike
at Benson's, they stay open tiII 9.00...
Hey, Jere. Where's my stipend
on the NASA consuItation?
- We finished it three months ago.
- Working on it.
We couId get there at 7.00...
Dr Gibbs, your batch is up
on the mainframe. It's pretty wiId.
- OK, Sam.
- What are you working on?
An oId student sent me the project
he's working on at QT Labs.
You remember EarI DopIer?
One of my best students.
- That freak who used to come over?
- A IittIe eccentric, maybe.
Anyway, this project
is hush-hush.
Say it were possibIe to
acceIerate your moIecuIar structure,
untiI the rest of the worId
seemed to be standing stiII.
- CooI!
- It's caIIed hypertime.
Imagine being abIe to perform surgery
between the beats of a heart.