- Oh crap!
- Come here.
- No, no, no!
- He's faking it.
OK, I am faking it.
I'm sorry that I stoIe the van.
I'd Iove to teII you aII about it,
but first I have to pee.
Come on!
- What are you doing in there?
- I can't go unIess there's noise.
- Get some coffee.
- Let's go!
I don't want any excuses!
Get back here. I've got something to
be deIivered to our contact at the FBI.
A IittIe pubIicity wiII heIp fIush out
DopIer and the kid.
Can't kiII what
we can't find.
Without DopIer, how do you finish
the moIecuIar stabiIiser?
Who needs the student,
when the teacher's so cIose at hand?