WOMAN: Cute is all
well and good, Mary-Ann...
but what you want is a man
who's going places--
A go-getter on
the management fast track.
What about Mr.Waters?
CHUCK: Yeah, management
training application, please.
How many people have applied
for this so far?
WOMAN: Let's see.
Including you? About 2,000.
- For how many positions?
- Five.
[ Bell dings ]
Thanks, ma'am.
BARRIS: Sometimes,
as a younger man...
I stretched the truth
to get what I wanted.
GEORGIA: Tell me again!
CHUCK: Head of
network sales at 30.
Head of
the entire network by 40!
I love you,
Mr. Chuck Barris...
management trainee.
[ Both moaning ]
BARRIS: Life was sweet...
For a minute.
WOMAN ON TV: Everything's
either madly exciting...
or madly interesting.
I hope Sally never
bothers herself with you.
[ Turns on faucet ]
I got fired today.
Yeah, fired.
What the fuck
did you get fired for?
CHUCK: I don't know.
Efficiency cutbacks.
Some bullshit.
Look, it's gonna be fine.
I'm pregnant.
So, I figured,
I'm gonna skip town.
I intend to be important,
you know?
I can't be saddled with this.
But then I remembered
something Carlyle said.