I wouldn't wantto live his life...
'cause he hasn't been happyall of his life.
All I think is, if you canfind work, stay healthy...
find somebody to share it with,you're the ultimate success.
He's had some of the piecesof the puzzle...
but not all of them.
BURGER: "I, Ronald Reagan,do solemnly swear..."
REAGAN: I, Ronald Reagan,do solemnly swear...
BURGER: "That I will faithfullyexecute the office...
"of President ofthe United States."
That I will faithfullyexecute the office...
[ Tone blares ]
[ Cartoon music playing ]
BARRIS: When you're young,your potential is infinite.
You mightdo anything, really.
You might be Einstein...
you might be DiMaggio.
Then you get to an agewhen what you might be...
gives wayto what you have been.
You weren't Einstein.
You weren't anything.
That's a bad moment.
[ Knock on door ]
Chuck, it's Pen.
[ Peephole opens ]
CHUCK: Hey! Jesus.How'd you find me?
You wrote me your last letteron hotel stationery.
CHUCK: Oh. It's greatto see you, Pen.
You look-- you look beautiful.
PENNY: This place is scary.
CHUCK: Yeah. The human psyche.