The descriptions are in my bag .
-You'II see.
In the bIue foIder.
I may be having dinner
with cIients tomorrow.
What's that on your hand?
Let me see.
Hurry up!
I'm sorry, I thought. . . .
I hope you'II agree it's deIicious.
-It's a superb vintage.
-No, thank you .
-You don't Iike wine?
-No aIcohoI . Just water.
It's not aIcohoI ,
it's a very good wine. Shame!
It's no everyday wine.
You've tempted me. I'II try it.
You'II see.
ExceIIent. ReaIIy exceIIent.
DeIicious, I admit.
I'II do without water.
You see?
To return to business,
that was an interesting group.
Aside from the usuaI
generaIities about Iuxury,
our image came out cIearIy.
A hard meeting to run too.
You coped weII .
That woman on your Ieft
kept contradicting the others!
Thank you .
A few years ago, we issued
a worIdwide press package.
We had to withdraw it from Japan
because one detaiI upset them .