You've tempted me. I'II try it.
You'II see.
ExceIIent. ReaIIy exceIIent.
DeIicious, I admit.
I'II do without water.
You see?
To return to business,
that was an interesting group.
Aside from the usuaI
generaIities about Iuxury,
our image came out cIearIy.
A hard meeting to run too.
You coped weII .
That woman on your Ieft
kept contradicting the others!
Thank you .
A few years ago, we issued
a worIdwide press package.
We had to withdraw it from Japan
because one detaiI upset them .
What was it?
The postures of the peopIe in the ad .
There was a hand gesture
which we saw as being very eIegant.
It deepIy shocked the Japanese.
It was Iike a gesture of disdain .
For the reader, it signified refusaI .
TaIk about detaiIs!
CruciaI detaiIs!
Often , the whoIe thing
hangs on such subtIeties
in the IocaI cuIture.
We have to be carefuI
not to send negative signaIs.
They say a transIation error
brought Japan into WorId War II !
Communications are
different in Japan .
We have a gIobaI strategy
but Japan is an exception .
We have a marketing team there.
It's so unIike Europe and the U .S .
I didn't know Japan
was so unique in that way.