But whenever I was there,
I feIt uncomfortabIe.
-Perhaps it was you .
-No, not reaIIy.
It's Iike I said .
I found it very aggravating .
Cars, horns,
scooters, traffic jams. . . .
The smaIIest practicaIities
become exhausting .
-And that wind . . . .
-The sirocco.
It's infuriating !
I didn't take to the peopIe.
They're Iess friendIy
than eIsewhere in ItaIy.
The women about town are so vuIgar.
The way they waIk!
Even their manners are bad .
The city itseIf is superb.
Its monuments, yes. Its museums
aIways seem to be cIosed .
For entertainment and nightIife,
it's poor.
Few cinemas. OnIy one arthouse.
Not many bars or cIubs.
Not that they're my scene,
but my friends there
feeI bored and cut off.
True, Paris has more entertainment
but it's improving .
More screens are opening .
And it's so beautifuI .
I'm happy just waIking .
One of our project managers
works in Rome now.
-For your agency?
-No, he ''reoriented ,'' as they say.
Besides, our agency is in MiIan .
He spent a few years in MiIan ,
but now he has another job in Rome.
He rents a pIace there
and keeps one in MiIan .
Whatever he thinks of Rome,
he prefers ItaIy to France.
I don't think he pIans to come back.
WouId you Iike to move
to the MiddIe East?
So, in a nutsheII ,
Rome's awfuI , Lisbon's spoiIed .
-What city do you Iike?
-Paris, of course.
The worId's most beautifuI city.
Harmonious architecture,