Thank you very much.
Sometimes I do a longer set, but...
...once the evening meds kick in,
it's pretty much sleepytime.
Tough to get a sing-along.
At least you know the smack's
knocking them out and not your singing.
God, I hope so.
Can we talk for a minute?
I'm happy to do this, but we have
trained counselors who can help you.
You came on the H train?
-Riding the horse? On the juice?
It's sweet of you to assume so.
I'm Nora Wells. I'm V.P.
of development for Kidnet.
-You work for Kidnet?!
-Are you serious?
...as a heart attack.
I'm glad I didn't know you were here.
That might have thrown me off.
I was born November 11, 1970.
You know what else happened that day?
The first Sesame Street.
You wouldn't believe what it took
to get soy dogs here.
Hello? People, wake up
and smell the future.
Organic, twice the protein
and nobody gets killed.
I'm gonna get you on these
gluten-free buns.
-We will change the world!
-All right, Sheldon.
Like I was saying,
my friends are always saying:
"As talented as you are, if you don't
learn to sell yourself a little...
...you'll always be playing to a very
appreciative, but limited audience."
Spirulina with almond butter?
-Sure you don't wanna try?
This is children's entertainment.
It's about doing good work.
Having integrity.
A good show, with the foundation
of a positive message.
You can't build a foundation with
plaster of Paris. You use concrete.
That is concrete, sister.
That is integrity!
I can see that.