-Mr. Mopes? I'm Benjamin McKnucklepeck.
I'm calling from Parents for Decency
in Children's TV. Have you heard of us?
No, but that's an issue close
to my heart. I was just talking to--
Tomorrow we're having a banquet.
We'd be honored if you performed.
We want to present a plaque to you
for your commitment to children's TV.
The presenter will be a young orphan
with mild asthma. Can you attend?
Yeah, I'd be happy to.
That'd be great. See you then.
I want to thank you for picking me up.
No worries. A chance to have
Smoochy at our soirée...
...I'd stick my willie in a nest of
funnelwebs if I had to.
That sounds extreme.
Just try a "please."
You're funny! There's vodka and chips
back there if you're hungry.
I don't know if you're aware of it,
but food like that can lower your chi.
I've never eaten Korean food.
Thanks for the information.
That's why the wee ones
love your show.
You can learn and laugh
at the same time.
It's such a fresh change from that
dreadful embezzler, Rainbow Randy.
-What was his name?
-Randolph, I think.
Randolph! That's the scoundrel.
Probably gay too.
What did you say?
He's a pillow biter, you know?
The old....
I don't know about
his sleeping disorders.
But I do think he's got some problems,
alcohol and anger to name a few.
What do you mean?
I feel sorry for him. He has issues.
But don't you take a particular glee
in the fact you stole his time slot...
...and you're shoveling dirt
on his corpse?
No. I wouldn't take pleasure
in someone's misfortune.
Truth is, I thought
he was pretty talented.
He's a miserable cocksucker! A fucking
asshole! You hate him, admit it!
Where did you say you're from?