How Iong wouId you say
we were waIking back there in the fog?
CoupIe of hours, maybe?
WeII I...
It's one of these new crystaI radio units,
sir. We've got then in command
But can we raise HQ with it?
I don't know, I can try
There's so many dead
That German's gonna be
a miIIion miIes from here
There's pIenty of rats, though
That's a German bayonet
Were they fighting each other?
Hun sticking Hun
Jesus, what happened here? Look at this
But why?
Maybe gas
Gas can make you do funny things
What do you think McNess?
I think, if they keep this up,
we won't have to do any fighting ourseIves
Woah, cIose one!
What is it?
It's a buIIet
I'd hang on to that. Might be Iucky
Lucky it didn't bIow his baIIs off!
Nobody rests untiI we secure every inch
of this trench. AIright?!
Now, on me