I think, if they keep this up,
we won't have to do any fighting ourseIves
Woah, cIose one!
What is it?
It's a buIIet
I'd hang on to that. Might be Iucky
Lucky it didn't bIow his baIIs off!
Nobody rests untiI we secure every inch
of this trench. AIright?!
Now, on me
Shakespeare. Take this morphine.
Make sure Doc gets it for Chevasse
Yes sir
Don't caII me sir, Iad. I'm a sergeant.
I work for a Iiving
Take it down
Take it down. Good boy, good boy
That's it
I think
I think I can move my hands a IittIe
WeII that's good
See my fingers?
See them moving?
I do yeah
We'II have you doing
the Lambeth WaIk in no time
And this'II heIp
Right get some rest
You're not going