Shakespeare. Take this morphine.
Make sure Doc gets it for Chevasse
Yes sir
Don't caII me sir, Iad. I'm a sergeant.
I work for a Iiving
Take it down
Take it down. Good boy, good boy
That's it
I think
I think I can move my hands a IittIe
WeII that's good
See my fingers?
See them moving?
I do yeah
We'II have you doing
the Lambeth WaIk in no time
And this'II heIp
Right get some rest
You're not going
I have to go mate there's
a Iot of work to be done,
but Bradford's here though, okay?
Now get some sIeep
Keep an eye on him
No tits on her
WouIdn't mind that
Keep that one
That one wiII do
Any British command
Any British command
Any British command
receiving this pIease respond
Any AIIied Iistening post
This is a British unit Iost in enemy
territory. UrgentIy need assistance over
Anyone. Anyone, fucking anyone. Shit
Y company. Y company. We've Iost...