No. I'll fly around
with you up there.
But you know what
I'm gonna be.
Yeah, but...
if I'm a bird
and you're an insect,
how are we gonna--
You know.
You know.
We'll just have to
do enough ofthat
in this lifetime...
to make up
for the next ten.
I'm going
because I have to, Joe.
Because it's who I am,
who we are...
what we dedicated
our lives to.
For God sakes, Emily,
you're pregnant.
We addressed this, Joe...
when we first met...
that we'd pack our kids
in on our backs
if we had to...
to show them
what was important,
to teach them our values.
It was naive, Emily,
all right? It was naive.
Our values?
I'm needed there, Joe...
and I'm going.
Whether you choose to
or not.