I'm going
because I have to, Joe.
Because it's who I am,
who we are...
what we dedicated
our lives to.
For God sakes, Emily,
you're pregnant.
We addressed this, Joe...
when we first met...
that we'd pack our kids
in on our backs
if we had to...
to show them
what was important,
to teach them our values.
It was naive, Emily,
all right? It was naive.
Our values?
I'm needed there, Joe...
and I'm going.
Whether you choose to
or not.
So this thing
It was a present I gave her
for Valentine's Day.
Got to weigh half a pound,
and it was squarely--
I mean squarely--
on the bedside table
when I went to sleep.
So what are you saying?
I don't know.
Nothing, I guess.
Just that...
dragonflies were sort of
her thing, you know,
like a personal totem.
How Indians have buffalo heads
or tiger heads or hawks...
hers was a dragonfly.