Eight Legged Freaks

Bret, slow down.
-I thought you loved me.
-I do. I do.

-But, I just....
-But, what?.

I don't want to lose my virginity
in the front seat of a truck.

Why didn't you say so?.
I got a blanket in the back.

No. That's not it.
I just don't think I'm ready.

-Tammy and Larry do it every night.
-Fine, call them.

Have a menage a trois if you want.
-That dirty talk just drives me nuts.
-Bret, no.

Bret, please.
-I'm warning you, okay?.
-I can't help it.

You just bring out the beast in me.
Back off!
My balls!
God, my balls!
Damn it! I pissed my pants!
Don't you think you're overreacting?.

-I was just copping a feel!

I can't believe my mom
was right about you.

Do you have any idea
how embarrassing that is?.

Ash, wait. I'm sorry!
Check out Bret.
Let's go! They're coming.
Come on, let's go! Get on your bikes!

-Dude, did you piss your pants?.
-We gotta go.

They're coming!
