What's the matter with you?
Why are you looking at me?
- Do you fancy me?
- No, sir.
- Sir what?
- Sergeant Instructor, sir.
Clench your fists!
Hold it!
You are nothing but a worm.
Hold it! Hold it!
I'm going to ask you
where are you from...
and you are going to answer
"From La Matanza".
I want to hear it!
- Where are you from, men?
- From La Matanza!
The first rank you'll obtain
is that of Corporal.
After that, comes
Corporal first class
Then Sergeant,
Sergeant first class
What rank is this?
What do you mean,
What are you laughing at?
How many times do I have
to say it?
The first rank
Article 81 of the
Criminal Code
mentions another type of homicide
which is called manslaughter.
This means death is caused
beyond the damage.
What does this mean?
That the damage exists,
but not the intention
of causing death.
If you and I have a
political argument,
well, I did mean to push you,
but I had no intention of killing you.
Cocaine is an alkaloid.
It comes from the erythroxylon
cocae bush.
Chemically, it comes from tropine.
It's a very powerful
cerebral stimulant,
producing an anphetamine effect.
It's a strong vasoconstrictor,
anesthetic and analgesic.
What are you laughing at?
I'm talking to you!