- Amid blasphemy, shines forgiveness.
- Forgiveness?
We mustn't forgive.
We can't allow that.
- Long live Father Benito!
- Silence!
- Heretics! You're a bunch of heretics!
- Be quiet!
- You be quiet!
- Dionisia!
What racket.
Calm down. Calm down!
Don't be crazy!
Heretics! Heretics!
- Heretics!
- Long live Christ the King!
- I have stuffed crab.
- I want my chalupas, like always.
Oh, Don Matias,
I'll get them in a moment.
- Good evening.
- Come in.
- Where is Father Benito?
- He doesn't feel well.
- What?
- It's nothing serious.
No, I still have to go see him.
Tell Amelia to take charge.
Excuse me.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, Father.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
How are you, Father?
I so wanted to see you.
Very upset and hurt
by all that's happened.