Calm down. Calm down!
Don't be crazy!
Heretics! Heretics!
- Heretics!
- Long live Christ the King!
- I have stuffed crab.
- I want my chalupas, like always.
Oh, Don Matias,
I'll get them in a moment.
- Good evening.
- Come in.
- Where is Father Benito?
- He doesn't feel well.
- What?
- It's nothing serious.
No, I still have to go see him.
Tell Amelia to take charge.
Excuse me.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, Father.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
How are you, Father?
I so wanted to see you.
Very upset and hurt
by all that's happened.
The people went too far.
Don Paco deserved it.
He started the whole thing.
Don't say that, Amelia.
Luckily it wasn't serious.
How is Ruben?
I don't know.
And I don't care.
My chalupas, Amelia.
What's the problem?
Nothing serious.
This time it's not the heart.
He's severely depressed,
but he'll come out of it soon.