Just stay away from my dad.
You little tart!
You were wearing that jacket
the day Joachim got run over.
But your hair was different.
- It was my fault.
- What?
I told mum to go faster.
It was my fault.
It wasn't your fault, Stine.
- Yes, it was. I'm sorry.
- No, it was an accident.
- Want to come in?
- No.
Just stay away from us.
Find another family to destroy.
OK. I'm going inside. I'm cold.
He's just screwing you.
He isn't crazy about you at all.
- Have you got a boyfriend?
- None of your business.
- In that case it's hard to explain.
- What the hell do you mean?
I've had loads of boyfriends.
I've got one now.
Oh. I thought he'd dumped you?
Did he tell you that?
Don't interfere with my life.
- Or my dad's.
- No.
I know you know your dad
loves you and your brothers...
much, much more than
he'll ever care for me.
Can't you just find somebody else?
- Marie speaking.
- Hello. This is Cecilie.