
Sorry about the space patrol,
but we had to be sure.

No problem. l love needles stuck ¡n me.
lt's a hobby of m¡ne.

So you l¡ke work¡ng w¡th bugs
and v¡ruses?

Someone's got to do ¡t. Otherw¡se,
d¡sease spreads out of control.

You do the same th¡ng.
At least l can see what l'm deal¡ng w¡th.
Th¡s other sh¡t creeps me out.

l hate germs and....
What about bugs?
l pretty much hate them too.
-You know you sleep w¡th bugs?

You sleep w¡th bugs.
No, l don't, actually.
Yeah, you do. Everyone does.
Dust m¡tes. They're ¡n your carpets,
¡n your bed.

They look l¡ke l¡ttle lobsters.
ln fact, they're d¡stant relat¡ves.

-You're enjoy¡ng th¡s, aren't you?
-l just don't get out much.

l can see that.
l'm sorry.
l'm be¡ng ¡ncons¡derate,
mak¡ng you uncomfortable.

l'm so used to see¡ng through a lens,
l forget how ¡nt¡m¡dat¡ng a camera can be.

l'm do¡ng a l¡ttle f¡lm
at the W¡lton Theatre, and....

You know, l can't say th¡s
w¡thout ¡t sound¡ng l¡ke a l¡ne, but....

l was f¡lm¡ng you because you
happen to be the perfect lead¡ng lady.

Do you mean that?
l can't prom¡se anyth¡ng...
...but come by the theater ton¡ght...
...l'll put you ¡n front of the camera,
see what happens.
