l'm sorry.
l'm be¡ng ¡ncons¡derate,
mak¡ng you uncomfortable.
l'm so used to see¡ng through a lens,
l forget how ¡nt¡m¡dat¡ng a camera can be.
l'm do¡ng a l¡ttle f¡lm
at the W¡lton Theatre, and....
You know, l can't say th¡s
w¡thout ¡t sound¡ng l¡ke a l¡ne, but....
l was f¡lm¡ng you because you
happen to be the perfect lead¡ng lady.
Do you mean that?
l can't prom¡se anyth¡ng...
...but come by the theater ton¡ght...
...l'll put you ¡n front of the camera,
see what happens.
You have to punch this button.
Then you can record us.
Hard to bel¡eve that's the same guy.
-l can watch th¡s later.
-Wa¡t a second.