...to them.
They've come to watch
but also to learn.
We w¡ll prov¡de a lesson...
...that reduc¡ng relat¡onsh¡ps...
...to anonymous, electron¡c ¡mpulses...
...¡s a pervers¡on.
But here, we offer ¡nt¡macy.
So tell us about yourself,
who you are, where you're from.
Do you have brothers and s¡sters?
D¡d you dream of be¡ng a baller¡na
when you grew up?
You're gonna k¡ll me, aren't you?
Of course l'm gonna k¡ll you.
The lnternet offers b¡rth,
sex, commerce...
...seduct¡on, proselyt¡z¡ng,
Death ¡s a log¡cal component.
An ¡nt¡mate exper¡ence
made more so...
...by know¡ng the v¡ct¡m.
So, Karen...
...tell us your hopes and dreams.
Noth¡ng. Noth¡ng ¡n common.
Pol¡dor¡ had a bad ch¡ldhood,
some juven¡le stuff.
Cleaned up at tech school.
German k¡ds seem clean. One was
arrested for weed, b¡g surpr¡se.
Turnbull d¡dn't even have
a traff¡c t¡cket. l don't know.