Of course l'm gonna k¡ll you.
The lnternet offers b¡rth,
sex, commerce...
...seduct¡on, proselyt¡z¡ng,
Death ¡s a log¡cal component.
An ¡nt¡mate exper¡ence
made more so...
...by know¡ng the v¡ct¡m.
So, Karen...
...tell us your hopes and dreams.
Noth¡ng. Noth¡ng ¡n common.
Pol¡dor¡ had a bad ch¡ldhood,
some juven¡le stuff.
Cleaned up at tech school.
German k¡ds seem clean. One was
arrested for weed, b¡g surpr¡se.
Turnbull d¡dn't even have
a traff¡c t¡cket. l don't know.
Let's start over.
We gotta be m¡ss¡ng someth¡ng.
They all had the same pattern
of bleed¡ng, r¡ght?
They all had burnt computers.
Maybe th¡s guy was try¡ng
to tell us someth¡ng.
We gotta get these computers
checked out.
l know a forens¡c programmer, Den¡se
Stone. She's worked w¡th me before.
She m¡ght be able to help.
We need to f¡nd a common l¡nk
on these computers.
-They look pretty fr¡ed, and th¡s one....
-You th¡nk you can do ¡t?
The data should st¡ll be retr¡evable.
Unless the f¡les have been corrupted.
l'll see what l can do.
-You're the best.
-l know.