Take my name card here.
I don't need it.
And don't worry...I'm not gonna
ask you to take responsibiIity for this.
No...I just need my cIothes back.
I wouIdn't take these even if
you gave these to me for free.
Just in case, can I get yours?
Hey, Yoo-jin...
Here's my card.
Wait...I can expIain this.
So that's why you Ieft
me so earIy Iast night.
It doesn't reaIIy matter to me.
It's just that...I thought you
couId do better than that.
So you picked up a prostitute
on your way home, huh?
See you Iater.
A prostitute?
How am I a prostitute?
Member database security,
more so than ever
is increasingIy becoming
a major issue in maintaining
a company's market share.
AccordingIy, Rio Web SoIution Corp.
deveIoped the best security system
Cyber Protecter 7.7 with worId renown
Webpia Corp. in a strategic partnership.
Hey, Mr. Park!
AbsoIute home-run.
Thanks to you.
Dinner's on me tonight.
Oh wait, I think someone's
waiting for you at the rooftop.
-At the rooftop?